Royal Performing Group (皇室表演组) 现场LIVE!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Debut EP compilation Album

The debut album has been released for Royal Performing Group! 25-Feb was the day we received the album from William and we had our debut album promotion on the 26-Feb and 27-Feb at Bugis Junction! It was a very ‘eventful’ weekend which really gave us a lesson on the phrase : “ United We Stand ”!

Our debut album is distributed by Life Record, a major label! It is truly a great honor to have the support from Mr Osman and his wife for the support to our dreams and trusting in us!
On the night of 25-Feb, Joanne vomited. I joked that it was a psychological effect that she is too excited and anxious about the next day, but I was really quite worried about her. However, I know that she has waited for this day and will not miss it for anything (the same goes for the rest of the PG, I am sure too). The next day, my car broke down en-route to the event! Imagine me dressed in all white standing in the middle of the road! So prominent! Eventually the tow truck came and I quickly made my way to stage side.
William arrived and was having a sore throat and fever. Jessica was coughing like mad, Stephen was resting and arrived before the second segment, Joanne was dizzy for the whole day, Celin was in night shift the night before and had not slept at all, I was coughing with sore throat, Micka was not feeling well too.
But we pushed on! We went up and did our best on both days. The entire event went on smoothly on both days with help from a lot of people!

First off, I would like to thank Mr Osman and his wife from Life Record for distributing our album and being at the launch event! Our dreams would not have come true if Life Record had not distributed our album and trusted in us. We will do our very best to improve and spread our passion to all!

I would also like to thank Royal for realizing our dream. Thank you for the great lyrics, 黑夜老师, and Seniors Elson Soh and Bryan Teoh for the great music composition! The Performing Group is really honored to be able to sing these songs and we will do our very best to bring out the feelings in the songs with our passion! Elson had a performance too on Sunday and he has shown us what we need to do to live up to our album. We will jia you, Shi Siong!

Loraine Tan was also at hand to show off her Live singing skills and promote her album. Do show support to local music!

Thank you to our sponsors! A big heartfelf gratitude to Team Salon,刘三阁 and 足浴阁 for believing and trusting in us! We will continue to do our best to bring good music to the audience and do our best in each and every performance that we have!

Most importantly, a big thank you to those who are listening to our songs right now. You will always be our motivation, driving us on, pushing us forward. We will put in our heart and soul into every song, every beat. Without YOU, we have no reason to exist. For being there, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
For those who might have missed out on the albums on 26th and 27th, the albums will hit major CD stores from 1st March onwards! The Performing Group will also be having more Live performances of the songs, as this is our passion and love, so do stay tuned on this blog or our fanpages on facebook for regular updates!

Members of the Royal Performing Group are a bunch of passionate music lovers, grouped together and releasing our compilation only for one reason – to sing and perform for all of you! We may not be the best, but we will keep improving! Bringing you our passion for music is the reason WE exist!