Royal Performing Group (皇室表演组) 现场LIVE!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Countdown to the 25th Feb 2011

Royal Performing Group is counting down to the 25th Feb 2011, which is an important day for us! That is the day where our dream comes true!

If you have been following our blog and facebook fanpages, you would have noticed that we had our studio recordings for our compilation album. This EP will consist of 4 songs, sang by each of the members of the performing group; Joanne Chan, Micka, Celin Sim and me, Peter Ng. Fully new songs and never released in the market, lyrics are written by 黑夜老师 and composed by two new up and coming Stars of Royal International, Elson Soh and Bryan Teoh.

These songs were rejected by some artistes previously and were in turn given to us by 黑夜老师. To be frank, i cannot find a reason why these songs were rejected... Each and every song has a life; Every song has a story behind it and in my opinion, THESE songs in the compilation album has stories and meanings that are huge and to be given a chance to 'convey' it through our voices are such an honor.

To me, that is the most important aspect of singing. I have always felt that singing is using music to convey a story, a message where the song writers and composers placed their heart and soul into every single piece that they write... To sing this song is a dream come true for me, personally. Being my own song is definately a great honor to receive, no doubt, but the most important point is the chance to inject the 'life' into the song.

Passionate about music and singing, the performing group is still learning, putting our best into conveying that passion we have for singing with each and every performance. We hope that with this album, we will be able to learn more and grow with the love of our life, Passion for Music.

第一张 黑夜亲笔填词 情歌专辑!

联合了来自 新加坡 和马来西亚, 两大歌手创作才子 Elson 苏奕铨 和 Bryan 张永佳 友情作曲!

他们不是职业歌手, 没...有百万包装, 没有杰出外形, 也没有雄厚声带!

皇室表演组 (Royal Performing Group) 只想深情演唱!

2月 25日 2011年 由 丽风唱片(Life Records) 诚意发行!

Peter Ng