Royal Performing Group (皇室表演组) 现场LIVE!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eventful times!!!

Hi there everyone! The past few weeks have been very eventful for me and I would like to share my joy with each and every one of you!
I had the honor of attending the grand opening for House of Mini at Downtown East and assisted William in the hosting, together with Joanne. It was a great experience and my first time attending such a huge event. This is a totally different experience and the feeling was great! We even made our very own cupcakes for charity!
I thoroughly enjoyed myself throughout the event and enjoyed every moment of it! At the end of the event, we were given the delicious and wonderful mini donuts and cupcakes from House of Mini! Let me share some photos with you guys!

Really heartfelt thanks to Christine and Joshua for the invite and I am sure House of Mini will be very successful, because the donuts are really nice and my personal favorites are the mini durian puffs! They are simply WONDERFUL!!! Just talking about them makes my mouth waters!!!!
Bryan came to Singapore to film his MV for his debut album and I had my re-shoot of my MV that day as well and I was so happy to see senior Bryan! I listened to some of his songs and it was great! He has a very emotional voice that really melts your heart and he has also shared with me a lot about music, song composition and stage presence. I have learnt so much from him and cannot wait to see him soon! Joanne and I sent him to the airport before he left and we had such an enjoyable time! Jia You, Bryan!!!

I had my reservist soon after that and it was my very last reservist! I will be under MR ( Military Reserve) after 1st Aug 2011 and that means no more reservist and IPPT! Yeah! This reservist was more of  gathering for us and we had a lot of time to recap on our days we had spend through 13 years of National Service.
Seriously speaking, it was kind of emotional for me. We have been through so much, from our active NS days to conversion course during reservist and finally to our major exercise, FATEP, in reservist where we maintained our good performance. We had won the Best Artillery Unit AND Best Combat Unit in 1998/1999 during our NS days and Redcon 2A for our reservist, which is quite a good grade! Been through thick and thin with all the blood and sweat, I am sure although everyone seems ok with parting on our last day, we felt sad in our heart.
I cannot share the pictures from my camp due to confidential information, but I will share what I can. If you would like to see the pictures and videos, we can view in private ya. J just some pics I took in camp.

Lastly, we had the Mothers Day event in Bukit Timah Plaza in conjunction with Teresa Teng’s singing competition semi finals. I was honored to be the judge for the competition and the contestant’s passion for music really touched my heart. We even had contestants at the age of 70 years old and I wish I could still be singing at that age! Haha! We had a really enjoyable  time for the event and took a few pictures.
Before I go off, I will leave you with Elson senior’s MV which he directed himself! He is such a talented artiste and I am really proud to be able to learn from him! Let’s all look forward to his concert in July, Expo Max Pavilion!

Take care, everyone! J

Peter Ng